Final Task- Opening Sequence- Group 4-The Witness

Final Task- Opening Sequence- Group 4-The Witness

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task- Group 2C-You're In My Seat

Thursday 7 October 2010

Todorov's Theory of Equilibrium

 'Wild Child'

1. Who are the agents: the protagonist (the main hero who propels the narrative forward) and antagonist (opposing agent)
The protagonist in Wild Child is the young girl Poppy Moor, although in this case she is not a hero, just a misunderstood girl, who later becomes a well regarded asset to her school. The antagonist could be her father who is the agent of change, making her come to england, or it could be argued that Poppy herself is also the antagonist, for taking things too far and forcing her father to make the change.

2.Describe the Equilibrium. How is it represented? What kind of camera shots can you identify? (e.g establishing shots to create a sense of space or use of CUs/cutaways to emphasise particular objects/characters faces). Pick out 2 or 3 examples. Describe the mise-en-scene: what meanings do the props/costumes/lighting/framing carry? 
The equilibrium is the girl living in a very nice, wealthy home, being quite spoilt in Malibu, where its sunny and she is clearly popular. She has a very nice home and clothes to show that she is a very lucky girl, but the way she handles her step mom moving in also shows us that these props could also be a signifier of her being spoilt, and allowed her own way too much. The fact she has bleached blonde hair and is wearing heels even at a young age suggests she has been caught up in the Malibu lifestyle and this is not the 'true' natural Poppy we see, (the one that will later emerge in the film). Also the first time we meet or see the father (antagonist) he is looking down on Poppy, in a low angled shot, connoting that he has the power, and this time Poppy has taken it too far and he is going to use it. The first shot is a LS of the view from their house of the sea, instantly showing they live in a 'perfect' environment, but from the way Poppy wakes up, rather loud mouthed, it shows that maybe the perfect environment doesnt always make for the perfect life or child. 

3. Is the Disruption or Disequilibrium introduced or hinted at? (e.g the serial killer in "Seven" is introduced in the title sequence). 
The disruption is introduced when Poppy's father announces that he is sending her to boarding school in England, as this will be nothing like her fancy, warm , popular lifestyle she has now, and so she may struggle. We can already see from this clip that she is detested by the idea, as she is in disgust and shock by looking at the schools website, which tells us that her style of equilibrium will officially be changed by going there.

4. Are there any visual/verbal/aural clues that hint at what the hero's journey might be? (e.g having to solve the murders within a time-limit of seven days in "Seven") 
We know that the girl is still hurt from her Mum dying and now her Dad re-marrying as she shouts 'do you even remember mum?', and then when her dad tells her she is going to England, we find out that that was where her mother went. This could show us that Poppy acts and dresses the way she does because she is not comfortable being her self, and is very insecure from when her mum died, but from going to london we could see a change in the character as she re-connects with what her mum used to do and act- so she will find her true self. 

5. From your knowledge of the film, how will the equilibrium be restored and what will be the new equilibrium?
The equilibrium will be restored at the end of the film, and this will be from Poppy finding and being able to be her true and natural self. So she has realised that none of the materialistic stuff matters anymore, and her Diva act was just a way of disguising her insecurity. The new equilibrium is also finding out that her old equilibrium was not in fact an equilibrium, but a way of Poppy hiding her true self, and she ends up back in Malibu, with her new, true, English friends having a really good holiday before returning back to England for school. 

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