Final Task- Opening Sequence- Group 4-The Witness

Final Task- Opening Sequence- Group 4-The Witness

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task- Group 2C-You're In My Seat

Monday 4 April 2011

My Initial Idea To The Brief

Obsessed is the story of a male secondary school teacher who becomes fixated and obsessed with one of his young female pupils, to the extent that he kidnaps her and holds her hostage in his home. The film will follow the events of the stalking to the kidnapping, the attempted escapes and holding at his house and then the resolution of the police finding her and shooting the man.

My opening sequence will be:
There is an opening pan through the quiet working classroom right up to the teacher at the front, everything seems normal, he is marking books. The bell rings, all the children leave the room, but we focus a lot on the girl who is the object of desire, how she outs away her pens and her shoes etc. We then follow the teachers journey home walking, everything seems natural and normal, he enters his house, puts down his bag. The final scene will be of him walking into a dark room and switching the light on, as he does this we get a POV shot of his eyes tilt panning up his wall. On the wall are thousands of pictures of the one pupil, her yearbook picture, ones of her with her friends secretly taken. The last shot we get is a master shot of the man standing in awe of his collection as the music rises and then the screen goes to black.

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